Hello, I'm Manousos Linardakis

Welcome to my Web Portfolio

About Me

🧑‍🎓  Top BSc Graduate of the Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens.

❤️  Love to write code and learn new features.

I am a graduate of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens, with a deep passion for data science and a commitment to continuous learning. In my free time, I enjoy playing music and drawing. I approach every new project as an opportunity to learn and grow, and strive for excellence in both my academics and my personal interests.


Projects & Papers

I have successfully completed numerous projects in the fields of data science, machine learning, robotics, simulation, smart applications, game development. Several have gained international or global recognition, including the FOSSbot Web Simulator - Google Summer of Code 2023 Project, Smart City App, Full-Stack Distributed Leasing System, and the Panda Warrior Game (more in my GitHub profile).

I also have published several research articles in well-regarded venues, including IEEE Access (see an example here). You can find all my publications on my LinkedIn or Google Scholar profile.

Programming Languages

Python Java C

C# lua Javascript

Full-Stack Skills

OracleSQLDev NodeJS PostgreSQL

SQLite SpringBoot HTML

CSS Azure Django



SQLDeveloper Bash VScode Git Linux VisualParadigm Figma SocketIO AndroidStudio VREP Postman Unity Godot

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out to me for any questions or collaborations. Here are some ways to get in touch:

Gmail Linkedin Scholar Youtube Unity GitHub

